I'm from Alpharetta, GA, and I attended the recent Call to Business conference in Long Beach, CA. I attended because I felt God wanted others to pray for a business for transformation venture we’re attempting to launch in Southeast Asia. The event had some outstanding speakers including Brett Johnson and as he concluded his talk he invited those in the audience who desired prayer to visit the rēp booth in the exhibit hall. I went directly and ask Kim Wilson of rēp to pray specifically for provision of the funds required to launch the business. Kim roped-in Debra Schlaht from Human Performance Solutions at a nearby table and they placed their hands on my shoulders and prayed.
At dinner that evening I was introduced to a gentleman from Colorado Springs, CO, who inquired about my interest in BAM. I explained the vision for the venture and the miraculous progress we’d made. I explained that what should be the smallest obstacle, funding, had become the largest. He asked how much we needed and without hesitation said “I’m in”. Just that quickly we were funded and ready to launch.
We’d been praying for years for the business to become a reality and God doesn’t always answer prayer that quickly. I feel God wanted to be glorified and reveal that the miracles that had and will occur are a result of his provision and in his time. An act of obedience by attending the conference allowed the One who deserves all the Glory to reveal it to others as well!
Steve Miller